IBR Trade and Management Services Pvt. Ltd.

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Refund and Cancellation Policy

Our Refund and Cancellation Policy

1. Review and Quote:
Upon the review of initial work and details provided through phone, WhatsApp, face-to-face meetings, email, or any other mode of communication, IBR Trade and Management Services Pvt Ltd will provide a cost estimate for the required services. This quote is based on the information provided by the client and may be subject to revision if the scope of work exceeds the initial expectations.

2. Revision of Estimate:
If the scope of work is found to be more extensive than initially anticipated, IBR Trade and Management Services Pvt Ltd reserves the right to revise the estimate accordingly. In such cases, the client company management will be informed, and adjustments to invoices and payment schedules may be necessary.

3. Advance Payments:
Clients are required to make advance payments as per the agreed-upon terms outlined in the initial quote or invoice. These advance payments are non-refundable and will be credited towards the services and consultancy provided by IBR Trade and Management Services Pvt Ltd.

4. Non-Refundable Payments:
Once advance payments or future invoice payments have been made, they are considered non-refundable. These payments can only be utilized to offset costs associated with the services and consulting provided by IBR Trade and Management Services Pvt Ltd.

5. Cancellation Policy:
In the event that a client wishes to cancel the engagement after making advance payments or committing to future invoice payments, IBR Trade and Management Services Pvt Ltd reserves the right to retain the funds already received. Any cancellation requests must be communicated in writing to our customer support team.

6. Compensation for Services Rendered:
Advance payments and future invoice payments made by the client will serve as compensation for the services and consultancy provided by IBR Trade and Management Services Pvt Ltd up to the point of cancellation. No refunds will be issued for services already rendered or work in progress.

7. Exceptional Circumstances:
IBR Trade and Management Services Pvt Ltd may consider exceptions to this refund and cancellation policy in cases of extenuating circumstances or at its discretion.

By engaging our services, clients acknowledge and accept the terms outlined in this refund and cancellation policy. For any further inquiries or clarification regarding our refund and cancellation procedures, clients are encouraged to contact our customer support team.

Date of Policy: 01/11/2023
Last Revised: 04/02/2024